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What does the quality of the egg tray have to do with?

What does the quality of the egg tray have to do with?

There will be many problems in actual production, such as: the quality of the egg tray we make is not as good as yours?What kind of paper makes the egg tray low cost, is it good to add a hardness agent to the egg tray surface?Is the quality of egg tortoise waterproof glue good? We have summarized a series of questions. Based on our industry experience, we will answer the questions for friends who have just entered the industry. I hope it will help you improve the quality of your products. A little help.

A good-quality egg tray must first be flexible, protect the eggs well, and at the same time, it must also have a certain hardness, which is convenient for packing out of the box, and it must have a certain moisture-proof function. It is not easy to return to moisture and become soft in a humid climate.The appearance should be neat and smooth, and you can also add some colors that customers like to color to bring out the appearance of eggs.

First of all, domestic sales of egg trays can be divided into ordinary yellow cauliflower, apricot, yellow, gray, etc. according to the color. Sorting and classification, the raw materials of egg trays can be simply divided into two kinds of raw materials, one color raw material and the other natural raw material.Life should be colorful. Of course, the eggs brought out after dyeing the pulp egg tray are more popular in the market, so many customers like the dyed egg tray for this reason.

Of course, the raw material paper for toning is white card. The white paper pulp can be adjusted to produce bright colors. The commonly used white cards are books, paper, newspapers, white cards, medicine boxes, cigarette boxes, packaging box paper, etc.,

As the name suggests, good waste paper is required for the production of good-quality egg trays. The higher the purity of the paper, the better the egg tray. Whether it is raw paper or recycled paper, it is used the same, but the quantity and quality of the egg tray are different.Most of the newspapers, kraft paper, cardboard paper, cartons, etc. we see every day are recycled paper, as are some low-end toilet paper.Printing paper and food packaging paper are all primary paper, because these have hygiene and safety requirements.

Distinguish between raw paper and recycled paper. At first glance, food packaging paper must be raw paper, which is required by the country; second, look at the color, the relatively high whiteness is generally raw paper, and the bleaching treatment of recycled paper is more troublesome; third, look at the surface characteristics, the paper has uniform lines and almost no impurities are all raw paper, while recycled paper can see some broken plastic residue mixed in it, this is because some waste paper is plastic-sealed, which cannot be completely removed during the regeneration process; fourth, look at the cross-section, tear the paper off, the broken fibers are slender and soft, most of them are raw paper, and the fibers are short and If the thickness is uneven and the dust is flying, it can basically be concluded that it is recycled paper.

In short, to make a good quality egg tray, the choice of waste paper is the primary factor. We learn to identify good-quality waste paper raw materials, which will do more with less effort and create greater benefits.

egg tray machine (3)
egg tray machine

Post time: Oct-28-2023